Saturday, November 10, 2007

Discussion of Ross King's Brunelleschi's Dome

Here are some questions to respond to in order to jump start our online discussion of King's book.
  • In a book about architecture, how well did King explain the science, math, materials and engineering involved in creating this amazing dome?
    • Were the illustrations appropriate companions to the text?
    • Were they sufficient to clarify the complex engineering discussions?
  • What reaction did you have to the center of King's book, Filippo Brunelleschi? To his accomplishments?
  • How well does King back up his account? Did you ever feel like he was speculating too much? Did you find yourself looking for more details that weren't there? If so, where?
  • What was your favorite invention in the book?
  • How does this compare to previous books we've read in book club? [e.g., are there parallels to the building of the White City in Chicago? What difference does it make that we're reading about 500 years ago instead of 50 or 100 years?]
  • What did you think of King's writing style?
  • What was your reaction to the various discussions of daily life (e.g., the changing conceptions of time on p. 51)?
  • What was your favorite moment of pettiness or feuding in the book?
    • Anyone think the "Tale of the Fat Carpenter" was mean?
  • What about King's use of historical context did you like or dislike most?
  • What is the legacy of Brunelleschi's dome?
I would add that I really enjoyed this book, though I found myself overwhelmed at times with the engineering details. What did you think? Was this a good choice for our book club?

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